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Kings Outside 43

Junior School

At King's, I know who I am

Years 3-5

Cultivating personal identity and strengthening relationships. This season of school life is about fostering curiosity and the skills required for children to be independent and resourceful learners.

Confident, resourceful learners.

School Crest

We strive to instil strong foundations in every child...

In Themselves

Individuals with an awareness of their identity in Christ, growing in Godly character and empowered to be themselves.

With Others

Deepening relationships with others and a strong, values-based and Jesus-centred approach to empathy, awareness and generosity. Developing the capabilities to empower and value each other.

Child-Centred Learning

With the child at the centre of learning guided by highly skilled educators, their interests, inquiry and discovery all become vital components of the learning environment. This advances student independence and enables learners to weave their own lines of enquiry into learning objectives.

Junior School Programs
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The Junior School is a buzzing community. With shared spaces, flexible facilities and an always evolving landscape of things to do, students are given a chance to strengthen and develop all their skills, alongside each other. Giving students a space that they feel safe to grow in; developing personally and spiritually as well as cognitively and relationally.

Our Community
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It is a gift to grow together. And this community is all about setting the right foundations, nurturing, empowering and equipping students in their own relationships. To learn together, rely on each other and grow alongside each other. Strengthening and deepening connections by believing in each other.

Our Spiritual Foundation
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Signature Programs

Our vision is to offer students an opportunity to be participants in an innovative program that engages them in co-curricular learning opportunities that increases their chance for educational achievement and rewards them for taking responsibility for their own learning.

Children’s University is a student-driven program in which they can nominate to participate. Their caregivers and the school coordinator support them to complete a wide variety of learning activities. They collect ‘hours’ in a passport and participate in a graduation ceremony at the University of Adelaide, celebrating the positive choices and efforts students have made.

This program powerfully demonstrates that learning can take them anywhere they want to go.

Our vision is to ensure that at King’s, we can authentically prepare students for a future that requires them to be digitally literate citizens, who are critical and creative thinkers, and able to solve unknown problems using system, design and computational thinking.

All students have access to devices provided by the school and participate in Digital Technologies learning activities with an emphasis on coding. These activities support students to be technology creators, not just consumers.

Our vision is to provide opportunities for King’s students to participate in a variety of music, theatre, and dance, regardless of individual ability, to promote a lifelong love for the Performing Arts.

Year 3 Musical: Each year, the Year 3 cohort presents a musical production to the School community, developing their confidence, collaboration and performance skills. Every student is involved in performing on stage - singing, acting and dancing. It’s a definite highlight on the King’s calendar!

Year 5 Brass/Wind Program: In Year 5, all students learn a wind instrument - either flute, clarinet, trumpet or trombone. Students all have their own instruments and undertake weekly lessons in a small group with instrumental experts.

Students then combine as class bands, with the culmination of this program being an entertaining concert that is thoroughly enjoyed by our School community.

Bands/Ensembles: Students can choose to be involved in many different co-curricular music programs, including various bands and ensembles. One such ensemble, the Year 5 Chapel Band, is an integral part of our weekly Junior School chapels. Chapel band involvement continues throughout the Middle and Senior School.

Choirs: King’s has a strong vocal program with choirs in all four sub-schools. These vocal ensembles rehearse weekly and regularly perform at school and community events.

Performing Arts

Our vision is to give students opportunities to participate in individual and team sport, cultivating the vital character qualities and attitudes of good sportsmanship, persistence, courage and commitment, and the joy of competing. SACSA often complements the teaching provided during PE lessons and provides students with an opportunity to compete at a higher level.

King’s is one of 33 member schools participating in South Australian Christian School Sports Association Events (SACSA). There are 11 sports events each year.

Students nominate to join a team, attend trials, and attend training if chosen to be in a team. The students enjoy representing the King’s Community with their peers as they compete in each competition.


Our vision is to provide opportunities for every student to lead within their class, sub-school and community. The student voice in Junior School is authentic, valued and promoted.

School Captains: Two Year 5 students take on the role of School Captains. They work alongside the Head of Junior School to serve, represent and lead the community.

Student Leaders: Students from every class can nominate themselves for this role and are selected by their peers. They serve as Student Leaders for one semester. In this role, they run class meetings that provide authentic student decision-making over matters that affect them.

The students meet together to collaborate with the Head of School to develop strategies to enhance wellbeing, promote safety and respect among their cohort.

Acknowledgement of Country

We acknowledge that everything in heaven and earth belongs to God.

We acknowledge the Kaurna people and the Peramangk people as the traditional custodians of the lands on which our schools are located.

We pay our respects to all elders, past, present and those to come, and extend that respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures.

We commit ourselves to pray and work for justice and reconciliation with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples of Australia.